At its core, Sadad is a grassroots NGO that was formed “by Syrians for Syrians”, with the intent of addressing the needs of their life with dignity, equality and humanity and with a focus on sustainability and autonomy. Sadad is an impartial, independent, non-profit Syrian NGO that exists for the purpose of providing humanitarian services and support to vulnerable people regardless of political or religious affiliations and on the long run to contribute to recover and rebuilding the society on freedom, justice and equality basis. Sadad HQ is currently based in Turkey, with additional branch inside Syria in Idleb and Aleppo governorate mainly Afrin and Idleb city. Under direction from upper management, each admin manager works alongside his or her team in order to engage with relevant local and international partners and implement projects that are within Sadad capacity. A staff / in Turkey and Syria / of about 90 workers divided between volunteers and employees / males and females are working with Sadad Organization within a specialized trained teams to directly oversees and implement the Organizations projects and programs to reach the needed outcomes. Sadad Organization provides humanitarian aid and support in Syria in most humanitarian sectors including Food Security and Livelihood, Education, Protection (includes women and children protection), Health, Early Recovery, and WASH. Sadad also focuses on vocational training in addition to mainstreaming protection within all its programs and activities inside Syria to ensure effective implementation based on the humanitarian standards and the International Humanitarian Law (IHL).