إنها أخبار مؤسفة ، بعد انتشار وباء الكوليرا في شمال غرب سوريا وقعت أول حالة وفاة بمرض الكوليرا في قرية مشمشان بمحافظة إدلب. المتوفى رجل في الثامنة والعشرين من عمره توفي بعد معاناته من بالكوليرا لعدة أيامأصدق التعازي لأسرته في هذا الوقت العصيب.لمزيد من التفاصيل حول هذه الحالة ، انقر فوق الرابط أدناه..Report link Share …
محضر الإجتماع التنسيقي الثالث لمنصة الموارد المائية السورية – غازي عنتاب ٢٩ – أيلول –٢٠٢٢. Report link Share This Post Share on facebook Share on email Subscribe To Our Newsletter Get updates and learn from the best More To Explore Do You Want To Boost Your Business? drop us a line and keep in touch …
During this intervention IYD successfully increased the accessibility to sustainable water services for more than 7000 individuals (70% IDPs and 30% host) in 3 camps,
During this intervention IYD successfully increased the accessibility to sustainable water services for more than 7000 individuals (70% IDPs and 30% host) in 3 camps,
During this intervention IYD successfully increased the accessibility to sustainable water services for more than 7000 individuals (70% IDPs and 30% host) in 3 camps,
During this intervention IYD successfully increased the accessibility to sustainable water services for more than 7000 individuals (70% IDPs and 30% host) in 3 camps,
During this intervention IYD successfully increased the accessibility to sustainable water services for more than 7000 individuals (70% IDPs and 30% host) in 3 camps,
During this intervention IYD successfully increased the accessibility to sustainable water services for more than 7000 individuals (70% IDPs and 30% host) in 3 camps,
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