ACU WASH team has conducted a field investigation in Mare’ city based on the increase in the number of suspected cholera cases reported during the last week to assess the status of WASH services in the area and identify the most common reasons that led to the increase in the number of suspected cases and …
ACU WASH team has conducted a field investigation in Al-Bab city based on a response appeal raised by the local authorities in the area. The attached report reviews the results of this field investigation that we carried out and highlights the most prominent WASH gaps and challenges faced by the …
ACU WASH team has conducted a comprehensive related cholera WASH surveillance in Salama village based on the information provided by EWARN team which proves the increase in the number of cholera cases.This report monitors some of the critical WASH issues and gaps in “Salama” community (C1561). For more details, please …
This report presents the results of the fieldwork carried out by ACU WASH team during the past week regarding WASH surveillance in the context of cholera aimed at ensuring the quality of water sources and investigating the status of the WASH service seeking to figure out the most likely causes …
This report presents the results of the fieldwork carried out by ACU WASH team during the past week regarding WASH surveillance in the context of cholera aimed at ensuring the quality of water sources and investigating the status of the WASH service seeking to figure out the most likely causes …
The first cholera case in Harim city was confirmed on October 8, 2022. Since that date, the numberof cases has been increasing as the number of confirmed cases For more details, please click on the following link. Report link Subscribe To Our Newsletter Get updates and learn from the best …
During the past month, the cholera epidemic began to spread in several areas in northwest Syria (NWS) which is a fact cannot be denied or evaded, therefore we have to work together and coordinate the response to confront this fatal epidemic, which can spread rapidly and cause a humanitarian disaster among the affected population there.The …
إنها أخبار مؤسفة ، بعد انتشار وباء الكوليرا في شمال غرب سوريا وقعت أول حالة وفاة بمرض الكوليرا في قرية مشمشان بمحافظة إدلب. المتوفى رجل في الثامنة والعشرين من عمره توفي بعد معاناته من بالكوليرا لعدة أيامأصدق التعازي لأسرته في هذا الوقت العصيب.لمزيد من التفاصيل حول هذه الحالة ، انقر فوق الرابط أدناه..Report link Share …
It is regrettable news, after the spread of cholera in northwest Syria, the first cholera death case occurred in Mishmishan village in Idleb governorate. The deceased is a twenty-eight-year-old male who died after suffering from cholera for several days.My sincerest condolences to his family at this hard time.For more details about this case, click on …
محضر الإجتماع التنسيقي الثالث لمنصة الموارد المائية السورية – غازي عنتاب ٢٩ – أيلول –٢٠٢٢. Report link Share This Post Share on facebook Share on email Subscribe To Our Newsletter Get updates and learn from the best More To Explore Do You Want To Boost Your Business? drop us a line and keep in touch …
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